Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Chapter 4-2

Undoubtedly the Black Magic of the Christ Myth, combined with the subterranean sorcery of medieval sacerdotalism has partially succeeded, not only in sapping individual initiative, but also in suppressing in our Race many of its ancestral leonine traits and superb Barbarian Virtues. But as yet, it has not wholly triumphed in its emasculating necromancy. No! It has not transfigured us all into teams of contented oxen and bunches of earmarked sheep, although that is its final hope. There are some of the grand old stock, left alive. Few indeed are they amidst a world of slaves and swine.

The lion is still the lion, although his teeth have been most foully filed down by abominable moral codes; his skin made scrofulous with mange and leprosy of caged peacefulness, his paws fettered by links of slave-voted statutes and an iron collar of State Officialdom wound around his regal neck.

Someday, sometime, he is destined to break through the vile bonds that have been cunningly laid on him, escape from the wasting decline that originates from unnatural confinement and regain once more his primitive freedom of Action. The treacherous legislators and illustrious statesmen, who are now so eager to teach him the method of growing wool like sheep and how to fit his battle-scarred shoulders to a horse collar, may then be sorry and sad (if they have time), for he will probably chew them up.

Great and powerful governments, commanding peace, come into existence only in ages of decadence; when nations are on the downward grade. If the human animal lives a natural, cleanly life, out on the plains and forests away, where oceans rollers crash along the shore, or on the banks of the pouring rivers he requires no police-force to ‘protect’ him, no usurious Jew to rob him of his harvests, no tax gathering legislators to vote away his property, and no ‘priests of the Idol’ to ‘save’ his soul.

It is false standards of morality that debase and enfeeble individuals, tribes, and nations. First, in obedience to some sovereign code, they lose their hardihood and increase their numbers. Then that all may live, they become laborious, submissive to Regulations; and finally, with Death held up by priestcraft as a fearsome Terror, all personal valor fades away. Thus nations of spaniels are manufactured.

The normal man is the man that loves and feasts and fights and hunts, the predatory man. The abnormal man is he that toils for a master, half-starves, and ‘thinks,’ the Christly dog. The first is a perfect animal; the second, a perfect, monster.

Every belief that makes a duty of humility, that inspires people with ‘moral’ courage only, enervates their fibre, corrupts their spirit, and prepares them first for thralldom and then for, throttling.

It is not possible to conceive of Grand Life without incessant rivalry, perpetual warfare and the implacable hunting of man by man.

Terror, torture, agony and the wholesale destruction of feeble and worn out types, must mark in the future, as in the past, every step forward, or backward in evolution, homo-culture and racial displacement.

The soil of every nation is an arena, a stamping ground, where only the most vigorous animals may hope to hold their own. What is all history but the epic of a colossal campaign, the final Armageddon of which is never likely to be fought, because, when men cease to fight, they cease to be, Men.

This old earth is strewn to the very mountain tops with the fleshless skulls and rain bleached bones of perished combatants in countless myriads.

Every square foot, every inch, of soil contains its, man.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Chapter 4-1

It has taken countless evolutionary epochs to make man what he is, the most ferocious hirsute beast of prey that inhabits the caverns and jungles of earth.

Can his osseous mechanism and pathologic instincts be summarily extinguished or reversed, merely by connecting him, per an electric wire, laid through the sewer of Rome, to the feeble dynamos of Bethlehem, and Tarsus? Can his structural anatomy, intended for conflict and slaughter, be transformed in a day, a year, or even in ‘a million, millions of suns?’

To overmaster and devour his neighbor, in the reasoned effort to obtain food and booty, land, love, renown and gold is bred into the very marrow of his bones. Therefore all efforts made by Reformers and Messiahs, to transfigure him into a ‘lamb’ are foreordained to fathomless failure. Indeed it would be much more reasonable of them to attempt the transfiguration of a grizzly bear into a parlor poodle or propose the transformation of a bald-headed eagle into a gently cooing turtle-dove.

Nearly all the prophetic demigods of Democracy from Paul and Isaiah to Carlyle and Ruskin, have ever been madly screeching by the roadside, vainly endeavoring to stay the march! March! March! Of a world of bannered armies; striding grimly, sternly by. What are these howling prophets of Evil but dogs eloquently baying at the moon? “Right wheel there! Right wheel! Turn back! Turn back! You are going to the devil!” is their resounding, ear-splitting chorus. But the human flood sweeps on silently, scornfully, confident, inspired as it were by some over-mastering instinct. “We may be going to the devil” is the unspoken retort of these thundering legionaries, these Nations “but even so! Is not the Devil honest, the Destroyer of Deception! The Disobedient One?”

Can you lasso the stars with a green-hide lariat? Can you block the march of Might with magnificent howls of declamatory despair? No! No! Skyward or hellward, man moves on and on and on. If there are barricades in his way, he must surmount them or blast them aside. If there are Wild Beasts ready to spring upon him, he must destroy them or they will destroy him. If the highroad leads through hells, then those infernos must be besieged, assailed, and taken possession of, aye, even if their present monarchs have to be rooted-out with weapons as demoniac and deadly as their own.

This world is too peaceful, too acquiescent, and too tame. It is a circumcised world. Nay! A castrated world! It must be made fiercer, before it can become grander and better and, more natural.

Fools indeed are they who would arrest the unfolding process with ‘humanitarian’ Cagliostroism, and ‘rescue the perishing’ mummery. Maniacs are they who would ward off the suns blazing rays from withering souls or the blighting frosts of winter from hearts that are already broken. For, I doubt not, through the ages, one tremendous purpose runs; and maturing crops are ripened with the process of the suns, to be sickled down, threshed and rolled away.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Chapter 3-14

This circling planet-ball is no naval-contemplating Nirvana, but rather a cast whirling star-lit Valhalla, where victorious battlers quaff the foaming heart’s-blood of their smashed-up adversaries, from the scooped out skull goblets of the slain in never-ending war.
And behold it is good! It is very good! It is very good!

“Blending in bloody strife,
Throat to throat, life for life;
Struggles the human still.”

And in that invigorating struggle strength is renewable. Fitness to reign, propagate and possess, can there alone be tested with mathematical precision (in nature’s majestic Judgement Hall), that is to say on the plains of Conquest where foeman looks into foeman’s eye and death lurks, like a ravenous leopard, in every bush.

They who claim Mastership upon any other basis than Conquest are Upstarts, Usurpers, and ought therefore to be deposed without mercy in accordance with the cosmic decree of ethnic displacement. Death I say! Death!

Life is a duel and only the Fittest can possibly hope to succeed. If you would Survive O reader (in the highest meaning of that word) go to, and put some splendor in your deeds. Beware of false prophecies that equalize you with slavelings and dastards! Beware of fattened priestlings and tax-collecting statesmen!

Beware the tongue that is smoothly hung, and never forget for one moment, that your greatest enemies upon earth, are those crafty courtiers who eloquently, cunningly, flatter you, that they may first win your heart, and then skin you alive. The modern Mephistopheles is the soft-toned preacher in his pulpit, the editorial sophist in his net-work of lies, the political crocodile on his ‘planks’ and his ‘platforms.’

A trinity of hell-hounds are they! Oh! Would that they had but one neck and I was, Judge Lynch!

America! America! In spite of all surreptitious bonds that in thy sleep have been laid upon thee yet pregnant thy womb is with men of Nerve, men of Valor, men of Might. Lo! The hour approacheth when in dire travail thou shalt give birth unto Thunderbolts, and Joves to handle them.

Behold that time cometh! Nay, it is at hand! But it will not be a period of pure delight. No! No! It will be a day of wrath, a dreadful day, a day of Judgement, Tribulation, and Triumph.

And Democracy! Democracy! Thou leprous thing! Thou loathsome disease! Thou plastic demon! Thou murderer of man! Many nations have bowed down to thy infection, and perish from off the earth, but America! America! Shall wipe thee out, thou blightsome malady, thou human rinderpest!

Verily! Verily! A new nobility shall be born unto thee O America! A breed of Terrible Commanders! Of Grim Destroyers! A nobility unpurchasable with the minted coins of money-changers, a nobility of Valor, of Power and of Might, a nobility honorable, clear-sighted, clean-skinned, UNCONQUERABLE.

Through the Future shines the sun of splendid struggle. Heroic Natures there lead on, as they led at Ilion. The Natural Man steps forth once more in all his daring grandeur, smashing unclean Idols, defying Gods and Laws and slave-made Morals.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Chapter 3-13

The problem that we are ever called upon to solve or be eaten up, is not how to make life ‘happy and equal’ for happiness is a moving mirage, and equality an impossibility, but how men may conquer their Opportunities, surpass their Rivals, and extirpate their Pursuers.

The race is still to the swift and the battle to the strong. Beauty and booty are always the prerogatives of victorious valor. Woe unto the outgeneraled ones!

“Tis a battle for bread, for love, and for breath,
‘Tis a race for life to the jaws of death.” *

* P. Luftig. “Bulletin,” Australia

Upon the island of Java there is a remarkable valley of death. It is literally strewed with the bones and skulls and skeletons of innumerable dead animals and creeping things. In the due season, giant turtles, five foot by three in diameter, travel up through it from the sea, to lay their eggs. En-route, they are set upon by packs of wild dogs and these dogs roll the turtles upon their backs and then devour them alive, by tearing out their unprotected entrails. When the dogs are gorged, they in their turn, fall an easy prey to ambushing tigers. Then hunters kill these tigers for their variegated skins. Rank grass springs up after the rainy season, through the skulls and the bones that litter this tropical Golgotha and droves of cattle gather there to fatten. Again the cattle are hunted for their hides, horns, and flesh, and their bones are also left where they fall, to manure the valley and prepare it for new generations of hunters and hunted. Such is in miniature, a picture of the every day world as it actually is. All living beings are pursuing and, being pursued.

Woe unto those that stumble! Woe unto ye who fall!
They who accept the ‘Equality, Faith, Hope, and Charity’ ideal, in any shape or form whatever, interpret the facts of mortal life as they are not, as they never have been, as they can never be. Indeed when the animal world becomes ‘moralized’ and ‘equalized’ it will be extinct. No doubt when contemplating the dark side of all this, Pascal was impelled to write with superstitious medieval diapason: “I am affrighted like a man who in his sleep has been carried unto some horrible desert island, and there awakes not knowing where he is, nor how he shall escape.”

Degenerates only are thus affrighted at the tragic majesty of their surroundings.

If this struggle is ordained of us, why not enter into it with kingly courage, with dauntless delight? Why not go forward, daring all things, to conquer or die?

Is it not better to perish than to serve? ‘Liberty or death’ is not a meaningless phrase. No! It is of tremendous import to those who, comprehend.

What it death that it should make cowards of us all? What is life that it should be valued so highly? There are worse things than death and among them is a life of dishonor. All men lead dishonorable lives who serve a master with the hand or brain.

Life itself is but a spark in the gloom that flashes out and disappears. Why therefore not make the most of it here and now, Here and Now!

There is no ’heaven of glory bright,’ and no hell where sinners roast. There is no Right, there is no Wrong, nor God, nor Son, nor Ghost.

Death endeth all for every man,
For every “son of thunder:”
Then be a Lion in the path;
And don’t be trampled under.

For us there is no rest, no Kingdom of Indolence, either on this earth or beyond the skies, no Isles of the blest, no Elysian Fields, no garden of the Hesperides. No! No! All these magical legends are but fanciful waking dreams, ‘fiction of mortals of yore.’

Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! Here and now is our opportunity, to eat or be eaten, to be Lion or Lamb! Here and now it is war to the knife, no escape, no retreat. Choose ye this day, this hour, for no Redeemer liveth!

Every attempt made to organize the Future must necessarily collapse. The Present is our Domain and our chief duty is to take immediate possession thereof upon strict business principles.

Strive therefore against them that strive against you, and war against them that war against thine. Lay hold of shield and buckler or their equivalents, stand up! Be a Terrible one in thine own defense. Raise up also the Clenched Hand and stop the way of them that would persecute you. Say unto thine own heart and soul “I; even I, am mine own redeemer.”

Let them be hurled back into confusion and infamy, who devise thine undoing. Let them be as chaff before the cyclone and the Angel of Death pursue them, nay overtake them. In a pit, they have hidden a trap for thy feet: into that very destruction let them fall. Then, exultant, ‘sound the loud timbrel.’ Rejoice! Rejoice! In thine own salvation. Then all thy bones shall say pridefully “who is like unto me?” Have I not delivered myself by mine own brain? Have I not been too strong for mine adversaries? Have I not spoiled them that would have spoiled me?

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Chapter 3-12

No paternalistic government mechanism (however theoretically perfect), can ever keep the base-born and the well-born, the thoroughbreds and the hybrids, in a state of perpetual equilibrium. You might as well try to bind down an earthquake with hoop-iron, as to rule the Strong with “be it enacted.” “Be it enacteds” were invented only to frighten captives with.

What power on earth can permanently keep the Negro on a parity with the Anglo-Saxon?

The Strong must have their way in spite of all puritanic proscribings, all mock moralisms, all degrading legalisms, all constitutional covenantings. Neither the machinery nor the raw material of equality has ever existed; only the dream, the idea of it. Equality! Equality! In that one word is summed up the accumulated dementia of two thousand years! The thought of it was born in the brain of an inferior organism: and the brains of inferior organisms nourish it still.

How can beings who for ages have been born and bred to toil and subjectivity, ever comprehend the feelings of those who are free-born, and of valorous decent, of those who understand the cosmic law that Might is Master?

You cannot muzzle a tempest with a cobweb, bridle a volcano with a shoe string, bottle up a cyclone in a powder horn, nor catch a tidal wave with a boat-hook. Neither can you put a bit between the teeth of the Strong. They will see you, in Sheol first.

No artificial plan of society, no pious incantations however sincere and well intentioned; can ever prevent the pot that is of iron from smashing and sinking, the pot that is of clay, and why should it? If social equilibrium had been feasible, it would have been established ages and ages ago. It never has been established, and it never shall. *

* “Man has a right to substance,” wrote Thomas Paine. “Yes” replied an observant reader, “he has a right to live one thousand years, if he can.” It is not a problem of Right but of Ability, Strength.

What then is the good of eternally dreaming, theorizing, and constructing phantom castles-in-the-air, cities of god, gardens of delight, upon foundations of deliberate unveracity? Let us be men, whole men, not clamorous, tearful little children demanding infantile sugar-plums. Let us face the fierce challenging facts of existence as boldly as our forefathers did before ‘christly comfort and consolation’ was introduced to un-man them, not like crouching, cringing, terrorized, oriental pariahs. Let us not be lured to wholesale annihilation by sonorous Asiatic evangelisms, that have proved themselves worthless and unsuitable to our temperament, our climate, and our breed. Let us be sensible, brave, and practical; and as Virchow somewhat trenchantly recommends: “Accept things as they really are, not as we choose to imagine them,” or rather as they have been imagined by dotard philosophers, daft poets, and castrated clerics.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chapter 3-11

To solemnly proclaim that ‘all me are created equal’ is as stupid and unscientific as to assert that all dogs, cattle, apes, and trees are equal.

Are there not as many diverse varieties of dogs, cattle, apes, and trees as there are of men, planets, germs, stars, and suns? Where then is the intrinsic equality between an oak tree and currant bush, between a mettlesome wolf-hound and a yelping street cur, between a buffalo bull and a hand-fed steer, between an untamable gorilla of the woods and an organ grinder’s castrated monkey, between a cosmic-brained Bismarck and that famous Christling, ‘the good young man who died.’ Cannot a blooded bulldog whip a solid score of lean half-starved street mongrels? Upon exactly the same principle, a small body of bold, self-reliant, brainy men are ever more than a match (under any circumstances) for 10,000 nay, 10,000,000 greasy mechanics. What is a mechanic anyhow but a specially trained slave? And it would take the spirit of 1,000 American slaves to make that of one live man. Theoretically all these organisms are of ‘the same species,’ but in the savage rush for bread, love, space and life, there are as much functional difference between them, as there is between a royal Bengal tiger and ‘Mary’s little lamb.’ The lamb was made to be eaten and the tiger was made to eat it; and man was born to struggle as the sparks fly upwards.

The necessities of environment make of each man, the rival or enemy of other men, more especially, those with whom he comes in direct personal conflict. Where then does equality come in? It does not ‘come in’ at all. It is an idiotic myth. There must always be a substratum of victimized organisms. How could there be heroes if there were no slaves? How could there be great nations if there were no contemptible ones?

Compare the noble qualities inherent in some dogs with the obsequious ‘virtues’ that distinguish nine men out of ten. Now, give to a canine or homo equal liberty of action, equal opportunity, equal ‘rights’ and what will be the result? Must not the fiercest fighter fatten, while the skeletons of lean weaklings project through their scrofulous hides? What power originating among themselves could dictate and enforce, equality of opportunity?

Socialism, Christianism, Democratism, Equalityism, are really the whining yelpings of base-bred mongrel-multitudes. They howl aloud for State intervention, ‘protection for suffering humanity,’ regulated mill-grinding as it were; with the State to be their Supreme Idol, their God and Master, their All in All, their Great Panjandrum. Poor deluded base spirited ‘weeds.’ Truly the ‘Curse of God’ is in the very marrow of their bones, in every pump-stroke of their dying hearts.

The man who prays to be ‘protected’ by politicians, guarded by armed Janissaries, saved by idolatrous priests, and redeemed by State Regimentation is indeed a miserable sinner, a vile, despicable, un-manly wretch.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chapter 3-10

Heredity has ever so much more to do with social conditions then the majority of modern men are willing to admit. Judging by results, that nations ignore Birth and Breeding at their peril, for just as there are noble animals, there are noble men. If a stock-raiser throws down his dividing fences and permits all his cattle to mix-up promiscuously together, what kind of a herd would he have, say in one decade? Nothing but weeds, hybrids, and mongrels!

Now, that is exactly what nations attempt when they endeavor to establish an equality of privileges and of happy, peaceful conditions.

The close psychological connection that exists between ancestry and degeneracy, crime, genius, insanity, etc., etc., is now everywhere being acknowledged, thanks to the researches of Galton, Lombroso, Mosso, Otto Ammon, Ferri, Kraft Ebbing, and others.

If criminals are criminals, by descent or by birth, is it not equally probable that slaves are slaves by the facts of their breed and ancestry? Does it not also follow that heroes and strong, powerful, resolute, personalities, have derived their solid stamina from their forefathers. Indeed all history and all genealogies prove that this is a mathematical fact. Great men are ever the descendants of mighty warriors and conquerors, that is to say, of mighty animals.

Von Otto Ammon cites a remarkable instance, which goes to prove the selective and ethnic advantages of Warfare. He states that all German children born during the Franco-Prussian campaign of ’71 (also, the years immediately following) show a strikingly high average excellence, both of body and mind.

The converse is equally demonstrable. Show me a herd of humans who have been underfed day-drudges from their youth up and I will show you a herd of cattle whose ancestors were, also, propertyless vassals and serfs, beaten in diplomacy and in war for ages past. (Take the Irish peasantry and the fellaheen of Egypt as examples.) This statement admits no qualification, for if one exception can be discovered, it will serve to prove the general rule. A man in the full possession of all his faculties, of leonine ancestry, well-born, self-contained, would rather cut his own throat from ear to ear with a blacksmiths rasp, than live the life of an average hired laborer in any civilized ‘hell’ on earth.

The nexus between self mastership and breed is of tremendous significance. Therein is the Lost Secret.

Undoubtedly new born infants are daily coming wailing into this world, with the words, statesman, tramp, wastrel, warrior, priest, philosopher, criminal, thief, king, slave, and coward, indelibly branded upon their brows, their hearts and their brains.

Our talents, our virtues and our vices, depend entirely upon our individual mechanism; and that mechanism is the result of countless chemic transformations, extending over ages but modified to a large extent by climate and soil. “What is bred in the bone, will never come out of the flesh,” wrote Pilpay thousands of years ago. There is a pregnant ethnic philosophy in four lines (quoted from Keramos):

“This clay well mixed with marl and sand,
Follows the motion of my hand;
For some must follow, and some command:
Though all are made of clay.”

Although all may be made of clay in the poetic sense, it must never be forgotten that the clay itself is composed of differentiated elements. The clay that is in a Blackfellow or a Chinaman is not the clay that is in a Shakespeare or a Bismarck. Some ‘clay’ will grow good wheat and make very bad bricks, just as some breeds of animals are born to be hunters and others born to be hunted. Some clay will raise splendid crops, even from poor seed, and some never produces anything (no matter how highly cultivated) except thorns and weeds and nettles and poisons. The natures of men are molded almost entirely by the nature of the soil from which they have been grown. Man is a perambulating crop. In some places he grows to perfection; in other locations he won’t grow at all or runs to seed. In India the Anglo Saxon dwines and dwindles, but in Canada and the Northern States he even develops increased stamina.

All science, all history, and all experience are unanimous in disproof of equal, natural rights for all men (that strident doctrine of the fool); and yet the insolent, proofless assertions of a Zeno, a Jefferson, a Jack Cade, Robespierre, or a Jewish Carpenter (when fantastically engrossed and framed or bound in a book) are passively accepted by the intellectual serfs of this degenerate nineteenth century, and trumpeted to the end of the earth as a sublime and holy revelation. Equalityism passes almost unchallenged in public orations, because to openly question its veracity is felt to be unpopular, and with the ignoble leaders of public opinion in all democracies, popularity is everything, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. The result in Anglo-Saxondom is simply nauseous.

Young men are mentally mutilated, systematically ‘educated’ by schools, press and literature upon fundamental hallucinations, pyrotechnic shams and glittering illusions, illusions that are the perennial source of fruitless servile uprisings, social heart-burnings, internecine unpleasantness and sundry other secondary symptoms of social cancer.

Our Government Educational Systems are absolutely under the direct control of Politicians. These Priests-of-the-State select and train the teachers, vote the salaries and dictate what Truths and Lies the textbooks shall contain. Indeed our National Schools are managed upon the same Jesuitic plan, whereby monks and prelates of old, successfully worked the Universal Church. “Come right here and we’ll improve your mind free of cost,” suavely saith the high priests of this New Idolatry, this devouring Dragon, the Impersonal State. So the pure-hearted, rosy-cheeked, little ones enter unsuspectingly. Gradually, as they are ‘brought under the influence,’ the grey brain-pulp is forced out of plastic young skulls, and lies, nice pretty poetic lies (mixed with unavoidable facts and perverted truths) skillfully injected. Did you ever see medical students extract the brain of a frog and then fill up the vacuum with pith? The frog does not die, it lives, hops about quite lively and seems to possess its former intelligence and vitality, but it is all illusion. What experiment vivisectionist do to frogs, state-priests do to the children of men.

Bit by bit, with dates and lists and emasculated histories, the iniquitous brain-wrecking deviltry proceeds. When completed, young men and women are turned out with addled brains, into a warring world, incapables, semi-imbeciles, unable to defend or assert themselves, footballs of fate, ready to serve anyone. Is it not notorious, the ineptitude, mechanical imitativeness and want of initiative, displayed by state-educated young men? Instead of being urged to think and act for themselves, they are taught, like well-drilled slaves to Believe and Obey. They are even trained to glorify and worship Idols, with strident shouts and modulated canticles, not honest Idols of wood and stone, but Idols of sheepskins, bound pamphlets, variegated rags and the falsified renown of dead Scoundrels, i.e. Statesmen.

It requires a stout rope, a firm post and muscular men to hold an unbroken colt. But when by Force and petting he has once been subdued, i.e. tamed, educated, saddled, bridled, he may be led anywhere, even with a piece of twine in the hands of a little child. O, ye State-Priests, so adroit, so eloquent! Ye cunning demons! Ye wolves in sheep’s clothing! Ye corrupters of Youth! Ye generation of vipers! How can you escape someday from being “hung up by the tongue on the red-hot hooks of a real live hell.”

Thirty years ago the United States quixotically essayed to demonstrate racial equality with riffle bullets and bomb-shells, but failed most ignominiously. Southern valleys were strewn with Northern and Southern bones and millions of tax-treasures blown from the lips of cannons without any tangible result, except to demonstrate before an interested world, the utter failure and hollowness of equality principles.

A people that deliberately enters upon a gigantic war in order to firmly establish a Centralized Despotism, and at the same time reduce itself to the social level of the Negro, the Russian Jew, the Coolie, the Chinaman, and the European Serf must indeed (to use a suggestive vernacularism) have ‘wheels in its head.’

The ‘man and brother’ lie has certainly succeeded in writing itself in a ‘constitutional amendment’ but in real life it is far from actuality as ever it was. The ‘free’ Negro of New Orleans or Charleston is a more degraded, more despised being; and of less money value to his proprietors now than when it was customary to buy and sell him at the auction block, instead of as at present on the Stock Exchange.

What the late civil war really accomplished was to degrade the white slave to the lower level of the plantation nigger, and in that respect it was a triumph in ingenuity. The whites fought, actually fought each other to demonetize themselves. Equality! Equality! What brilliant deeds have been ‘perpetrated’ in thy name? Lincoln however! Was he not ‘a great statesman?’ Decidedly he was! Well indeed he knew how to ‘round-up’ the herd with bewitching phrases?

Hark! Do you hear those drunken slaves caterwauling down the street? Lo! It is election night! “Hurrah! Hurrah!” They sing, “We’ll sound the jubilee! Glory be to Lincoln, the man who made us free.” In Morocco the eunuchs and other menials, bless their fate and the Prince, at the very time he condescends to cut their throats with his own hands. Americans however, are a free-born people not to be duped in this way.

Throughout both Northern and Southern states, the social chasm between the highest and lowest human organisms (whether white or black, or black-and-tan,) is even more pronounced now, than ever it was previously. For example, although the Negroes are a majority in many States, they are never permitted to attain actual administrative power and they never shall.

You cannot paint the Negro white with laws and constitutions, though you write it in the fire and smoke of wars and revolutions.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Chapter 3-9

Even the giddy doctrinaire who so cunningly concocted the bombastes-furioso fictions of the Declaration* could not apparently have believed them himself. Was he not a slave-driver (residing among slave-drivers) who bought and auctioned human cattle for dollars and cents all the days of his life? No doubt for purposes of state-craft and necessary war-craft he wove his philosophic preamble of Strong Deceit. Probably also, he was comparatively honest, and even sincere but among the alluring priests of Unreason, the most dangerous is the fanatical propagandist.

* Mayhap, Franklin (who had a comic vein,) wrote them as grinning jokes. By the way every signature, attached thereto, represents a slave-holding, slave-trading constituency. All the colonies traded in niggers.

When Jefferson dictated his fatal and untenable abstractions, he was not even original but plagiarized Zeno the Stoic, Jack Cade, Savonarola, Milton, Plato, John Ball, etc. Zeno said: “All men are by nature equal,” but carefully refrained from attempting to demonstrate it. Milton defended it in his prose essays, Plato voiced it in his “Republic,” John Ball preached it in medieval England, Savonarola perished trying to establish it in Florence. Jack Cade, Robespierre and Christ were also failures, ghastly failures.

“If human experience proves anything at all,” writes James Fitzjames Stevens, “it proves that, if the restraints are minimalized, if the largest possible measure of Liberty is accorded to all human beings; the result will not be equality but inequality, reproducing itself in a geometrical ratio.” Remove the restraints and see how quickly an aristocracy based on Merit would mow down an aristocracy based on Credit.

In actual life, he who claims equality with another, is ever called upon to prove his claim, not by a grotesque abracadabra of silly phrases, parroted from antique philosophers or blue-moldy documents but by actual deeds, that is to say, by producing his credentials. Constitutional theories are all very well to humbug stridulating slaves but in a freeman’s household, or business, they are not ‘legal tender.’ Among men of affairs, natural egalitarianism is regarded as amusing moonshine, mere spread-eagleism, fit for public meetings only. Business minds thoroughly understand, (having learnt by bitter experience) that some men are destined by Nature to bear command and some to obey: aye, even for a thousand years before their birth.

No one can study the laborers on a farm, the ‘hands’ in a big foundry or factory, the seamen in a large seaport, the nomadic hirelings on a railroad construction gang: or the clerks and salesmen in a city warehouse, without perceiving at a glance, that the vast majority of them are extremely poor specimens of humanity.

The ideal type of manhood or womanhood, (that is to say, ‘Ye Thoroughbred’) is not to be found among these captive hordes, for captives they really are. Their heads are to a large extent unsymmetrical, their features distorted, ape-like, unintelligent. Their bodies are out of all proportion, dwarfed, stunted, diseased, malformed, cretinous.

Their movements are contracted, artificial, ungainly, and their minds (outside of routine) are utter vacuums. When compared with the traditional idea of Strength, Beauty, Courage, and Nobleness of character, they are an extremely ill-bred herd of cattle: exhibiting all the psychological stigmata of inherited brain-rot and of physical decay. “A crown of thorns on every brow, that is the wage they’re earning now.” *

* Ibsen.

Nine-tenths of them are positively repulsive in language, mentality, and in general appearance. They even display an extraordinary low average of animality; and upon the slightest exposure perish off, like sheep that have the lung worm. Heated rooms, woolen clothing, and stimulating beverages, are the means whereby their watery blood is kept in languid circulation. Every new generation is feebler, and more debased than its predecessor. All the scientific evidences of metal, moral, and bodily deterioration, are markedly accentuated in them and, their timidity is proverbial,* hard, continuous, methodical labor, destroys courage, saps vitality, and demoralizes character. It tames and subdues men; just as it tames and subdues the wild steer or the young colt. Men who labor hard and continuously have no power to think. It requires all their vital forces to keep their muscles in trim.

* “The brave man may fail sometimes, but the coward fails always.” Angelo Mosso.

Indeed, the civilized city working-man and working-woman are the lowest and worst type of animal ever evolved from dust and slime and oxygen.

They actually worship Work: and bow down before Law as an ox-team crouches and strains under the last. Look upon their shrunken cheeks, their thin lips, their narrow, retreating, irresolute jaws, their decayed teeth, sharp puny noses, small watery eyes, yellow bloodless complexions, bent shoulders, dry hair tending to baldness, struggling thin beard: the women with pinched features, waspish fragile waists, want of bust development, consumptive, neurotic, artificially barren, emaciated, hungry, dwarfed, hysterical.

The minds of the average workmen and workwomen are either total vacuums or stuffed to the brim with every conceivable species of lies, iniquity, superstition, and sham. Indeed how could they remain in such conditions of base loathsome hirelingism, were they not deficient in all the Primitive Virtues, in all that is manly and womanly?

Behold! Upon their brow is stamped (with red-hot cattle brands) the word “damned.” Eternally tortured are they in a patent purgatory invented by Politicians. Their tribunals however may really be but Progression in disguise, because their shameful self-degradation must ultimately end in their utter extinguishment. Hopelessly they are entangled in the snare, hopelessly defeated. For them there is no escape, no! Not even through fields of blood.

Poor trembling wretches! Washing their own hands in their own sweat! Nay, in their own heart’s blood! Born thralls are they, or, born madmen! Their days are without hope and their years are consumed for naught. When their Master speaks unto them there is trembling in all their joints.

They waste their lives pursuing shadows, and for hire, build their own tombs. Their minds are below freezing point, nay! Below zero! Crippled souls are they.

They knead their own flesh into daily bread, and transmute their ‘contrite hearts’ into basins of gruel.

They look unto idols for deliverance, * aye and grind their dry bones into baskets of coal. At thoughts of battle they blench with terror; at the sight of naked bayonets, they run like whipped hounds.

* When the Roman Empire was tottering to its fall, the worship of the state was an established cult, just as it is to-day. Better to adore blocks of wood or stone, than bow our hearts, our heads, and our knees before those troops of Unclean Beasts, Politicians!

Therefore, strength leapeth down upon them as the panther leaps upon his quarry. And in a moment of time they are blotted out.

My soul abhorreth them as an abomination. My hand reacheth out to clutch them by the throat.

Chapter 3-8

Every atom of organic matter has its own vital peculiarity. Every animate being is different in osseous structure and chemical composition. Ethnology, Biology, History, all proclaim Equality to be a myth. Even the great epics of antiquity are all glorifications of inequality: inequality of mind, inequality of birth, of courage or condition. Can equality of body, equality of mind, equality of origin, equality before the law or any other kind of ‘equality’ be demonstrated by any one fact?

Mentally and morally, every breathing being is a self poised monad, a different ego. No two germs, planets, suns, or stars, are alike. Among the higher vertebrates this is especially so, and consequently, the only law that men ought to honor or respect; is the law that originates, and finds it final sanction is themselves, in their own consciousness.

Inequality is summed up in the scientific axiom “inferior organisms succumb, that superior organisms may survive, propagate, and possess.” In other words, the proper place for Lazarus is to rot among the dogs. And the proper place for Caesar is at the head of his irresistible legions.

From the soles of his feet to the crown of his head, the bones, skin, and flesh of his body, even the grey brain pulp, the electric nerves and tissues, mental ganglia and internal viscera of a man belonging to the African, Mongolian, Semite, or Negrito breeds are all fundamentally different in formation, constituents, and character; from the corresponding anatomical sections in men of Aryan descent. The points of non-resemblance may be superficially imperceiveable, but they are organic, deep seated.

Notwithstanding the dexterous writers of strategic fables, dross is dross, gold is gold, and some men are better, born nobler, born braver than others.

Aristocracy by birth rests upon an unalterable scientific basis of heredity and selection; but an aristocracy of money rests mainly upon bolts and bars, i.e. upon laws that may be abrogated at a moments notice.

Though unable to reason out in logical sequence their inherent abhorrence of social and racial equality, most men instinctively detest it, in practice.

What white father for example, would encourage the marriage of a hulking thick-skulled Negro with his beautiful and accomplished daughter? Would he enthusiastically ‘give her away’ to the matrimonial embraces of a Chinaman, a Coolie, or the leper-hugs of a polluted ‘mean white?’ Are there ten such citizens even in North America, where equality of birth and condition is so much speechified and, never seen? Are there five? Is there one who would not rather see the daughter of his loins, stiff, stark and cold in her shroud? Should that one exist (he being of sound mind) let him speak. Then and only then, can this diabolical gospel of intrinsic equality be reconsidered.

Meanwhile, plain practical citizens are justified in regarding it, not as a self-evident truth, but an insolent, malignant and abominable lie, a lie that shall yet be stamped out forever, with blood and fire.

You have only to look at some men, to know that they belong to an inferior breed. Take the Negro for example. His narrow cranial development, his prognathous jaw, his projecting lips, his wide nasal aperture, his simian disposition, his want of forethought, originality and mental capacity: are all peculiarities strictly inferior. Similar language may be applied to the Chinaman, the Coolie, the Kanaka, the Jew, and to the rotten-boned, city degenerates of Anglo-Saxondom, rich and poor. Vile indeed are the inhabitants of those noxious cattle kraals: London, Liverpool, New York, Chicago, New Orleans: and yet, in those places is heaped up the golden plunder of the world.

Enthographists of the very highest authority, assert that over ten thousand years ago, the black, white, and yellow types of men-animals were as pronounced, and as ineffaceable as they are to-day. The hieroglyphics and records of ancient tombs and monuments, cuneiform inscriptions, antiquarian researches, and the systematic study of pre-historic skulls and skeletons all bear the same uniform testimony.

Inequality of birth and condition can never perish from off the earth. Never! And why should it? Who can fill the valleys up and lay the mountains low?

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Chapter 3-7

But, Equality before the Law is all we mean, whimpers the everlasting sophist, the cunning liar! Let us see! By what rational method can any two litigants be placed in a position of unconditional ‘Equality before Law?’ First of all, plaintiff and defendant always possess totally different physical and mental characteristics, different personal magnetisms, and, different sized bank balances. Also, all judges, juries, and legal officials are unequals in temperament, ability, courage, and honesty. Each one has his own peculiar idiosyncrasies, prejudices, inferiorities, superstitions, and, prices. Each again, may be more or less dishonest and more or less subject to financial pressure or caste bias. No two men are born alike, each one being literally born under his own particular star, formed of different material, swayed by different ideals, educated and molded in a different mill, by a different process.

Even if all tribunals of Justice were founded upon a blind Impartiality and administered free of cost, it will be plainly seen, that ‘Equality before the Law’ remains a mere chimera, a dream; and of no real value. ‘Equality before the Law’ is just a meaningless catchword, something like that famous Jesuitism, ‘Liberty regulated by Law.’

Statute Law may formally confer equal rights and privileges upon unequal citizens, but it cannot enforce itself, it must execute its mandate through human media and that media is full up to the brim with superiorities, inferiorities, and inequalities.

No legalism has ever been devised that Strength can not drive its coach and four through. And it is a popular proverb (in all lands) that somehow, there is “one law for the rich and another for the poor.” Indeed the poor can never be placed upon an equality with the rich, not even by the pillage of the rich.

Whether they are the Fittest or not, the present proprietors of Wealth should never permit themselves to be plundered without savage struggle.

Sooner or later, the hour of this struggle in its acute form shall arrive, but the Rich must not dread it. If they prepare in time, the result shall not only justify their mastership, but render it impregnable, if they are Fit. To be respected and secure, Aristocracies must rest themselves upon a Sworded Might, not upon paper-credits, consols, and bonded issues.

Should the Opulents be conquered and pillaged, that in itself will be conclusive evidence that they are neither the Fittest nor the Best. Upon this earth there is no such thing as equal justice.

All legal tribunals are based, not upon ideal concepts of Justice and Fair Play, but upon effective armed Strength. This is a House in Christendom and elsewhere. How then can the robbers and the robbed, the eagle and the pigeon, the chicken and the hawk be placed in positions of genuine equilibrium before removable officials, specially paid and appointed to ‘vindicate the Law,’ that is to give forcible effect to the Dicta of the Strongest?

All judges are authorized avengers, armed to the teeth, and all hangmen are licensed assassins, trained to kill. These words are not spoken in disparagement. Assassins and avengers! Ha! If that be so…

Truly they that ‘seek the Lord’ do suffer hunger, but lions seek for prey.

When an army of occupation settles down upon an enemy’s territory, is issues certain rules of ‘procedure’ for the orderly transference of the property and persons of the conquered into the absolute possession and unlimited control of the conquerors. These ‘rules of procedure’ may at first take shape as orders issued by military generals, but after a time they develop themselves into Statute Books, Precedents, and Constitutions. Indeed all Law is now and ever has been, the mandate of successful belligerents or rather the mandate of the few masterful personalities that ever inspire them.

Equality before the Law, is thus a contradiction in terms for Law itself is an incarnation of Inequality. It is true only in the subjective sense, that all who obey the Law are equally servants of those who make it or cause it to be made.

Drum-head court martials are really Law Courts in embryo, Congresses and Parliaments are merely committees of rapacious tax-gatherers. Legislators may describe themselves as ‘representatives of the people,’ but that is only a cunning masquerade. Their chief vocation is to strengthen ‘the Law,’ uphold ‘the Constitution,’ vote the annual ‘Appropriations’ and devise ways and means of exploiting the nation or of permitting it to be systematically looted by their accomplices, or, their Masters.

The principles that govern a ‘hold-up’ are the self-same principles that govern government. No government on earth rests on the consent of the governed.

It is reasonable therefore for a confederation of masterful bandits to place themselves in positions of absolute equality, before their intended victims. The idea is absurd on the face of it. Brigandage necessitates inequality: and every government on earth, is organized and enthroned Brigandage. *

* “Have we not shown that government is essentially immoral?” – Herbert Spencer

Las Casas, the Spanish Jesuit, was the first in America to spread word about the false, subversive, and shameful theory of ‘equal human rights,’ but since his time it has been boastfully accepted on all sides, by vast hordes of witless persons who are in all countries, the numerical majority. “The race of fools” as Plato sagaciously remarked, “is not to be counted,” not even in this, ‘land of the free.’

Although Equality (in any shape) has never been scientifically proven nor logically defended: nevertheless it passes from tongue to tongue, from brain to brain in current discussions for ‘gospel truth,’ just as clever counterfeit coins are passed unsuspectingly from hand to hand.

The Equality superstition is tolerated by clear-seeing men, for one reason only. It assists them to govern the thoughts: and by governing the thoughts, to exploit the property, energy, and labor-force, of their soft-minded, good natured neighbors: who really believe it to be true, who think it, glad tidings of Great Joy.

Behold! When the fraudulent ‘equality of natural rights’ evangel is mellifluously poured forth in the Market Places by suave dollar-hunting attorneys or half educated mechanics, even those staid citizens (whose whole life is of it a direct disproof) lead the roaring, raving, yelling crowd in its maniacal bellowings.

Lo! The Angel of Lunacy is camped in their souls!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Chapter 3-6

How can citizens be honestly described as free and equal who are not, who never were ‘free and equal’ in any reasonable sense of the phrase? How can they be even considered men, whose whole lives are governed by cast-iron regulations; whose every movement is circumscribed and restrained by penal threats, even whose secret thoughts are in a constant state of silent repression?

It is no apology whatever to affirm that the people themselves enact all laws they are commanded to obey. Even that statement is a falsity and if it were true; it would not justify majority Dictatorship of any other kind of Dictatorship.

The Constitution, under which all other laws are born, was accepted, not by us, but by bewigged individuals who are long since rotten. We are ruled, in fact by cadavers, the inhabitants of tombs.

Why should agreements made by coffined dead men, bind and mortgage living, pulsing, breathing beings?

Their bones have long ago moldered into ozone and fertilizers, who drew up signed the Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, the Sermon on the Mount, the Declaration of Independence, our Glorious Constitution, etc., etc. Rotten are the brains that concocted them and the fingers that signed them and sealed them. Equally rotten are their irrational and infantile philosophies. Rotten also in their heart, are the men who obey under compulsion voices from the tomb.

No doubt those old documents served their purpose at the time, but ‘new occasions teach new duties,’ and new ages require, not only new leaders, but new deeds.

Again, most Acts of Congress are the Machiavellian work of eminent rogues, curse them whose very names are almost forgotten except by partisan chroniclers and printers of public school histories.

As for the Common Law, it is an inheritance from those interesting old days, when Saxon and Norman earls (they were genuine noblemen then, for they had won their position by risking their lives in battle) administered ‘Justice’ direct, per media of knotted clubs, hilted knifes, and long handled cleavers. That was the only kind of ‘Law’ understood by our ‘uncivilized’ forefathers, for they had not been ‘educated’ into the profound conviction that governments and laws ‘derive all their just powers from the consent of the governed.’ Such an expression would have sent them into convulsions, and he who uttered it would be considered, a most excellent fool.

No doubt our ancestors were somewhat rude in their manners, somewhat deficient in sweetness and culture, but in manners of frozen fact they were decidedly logical. They did not sneak to public meeting and swagger about ‘Liberty,’ ‘Justice,’ and ‘Equality of Opportunity,’ or ‘Rights of Man,’ when they knew full well that not only their lives, but everything they nominally possessed was ‘by leave’ of their conquerors or proprietors. They accepted their position pro-tem, and when ready again, honestly re-entered the doom-ring to test anew their Fate.

If they could come alive again how those old Pirates and Freebooters would stare in shame and scorn at the sight of their ‘tenderfoot’ posterity, walking up in solemn, horny-handed, hump-backed procession in shoddy rags, before an idol-altar called a ballot-box, dropping into it’s gilded maw, printed invocation for Justice, Liberty, “Peace in out time O! Lord,” Protection, Cheap Money, “more laws! more laws! more laws!” How our blonde, clean-limbed ancestors would guffaw? Indeed, they would probably keep on guffawing, till they guffawed themselves to death again.

“Oh!” they would say: “to think that our seed should have sunk so low!”

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Chapter 3-6

The citadel of Power is now consolidated and prepared with the most improved armaments to repel any assault, no matter how well sustained. The nation is intersected in all directions with iron highroads and splendid waterways, whereon armies and navies may be moved from city to city with facility and dread effect. The War of Secession (or rather for the annihilation of self-government) demonstrated conclusively that a Centralized Authority, resting on herd-votes of the vulgar and fanatic is (in practice) military Absolutism. There is no other Power in the land that can effectively hold it in check. The Czar of Russia possesses less actual authority than our Federal Government. With a standing army in the hollow of its hand, it can do exactly as it pleases, i.e. if it can collect enough revenue to purchase ‘statesmen’ and pay the salaries of its praetorian cohorts.

Most Americans are only now beginning to perceive these things, but they were foreseen (and also foretold in part) by clear-sighted individuals before the Constitution itself was formally Enthroned.

Today all the old sphinx questions are again up for solution. No man of balanced sense can honestly believe that these problems are to be settled by ballot box stuffing of editorialism. Settled they must be upon ‘the good old rule, the simple plan,’ and thereafter settled and re-settled again and again; for, there is no finality in social adjustments and there should not be. Material strength is the basis of all human greatness and material strength must ‘settle’ the tyranny of the greatest number, probably with fire and steel. All other theories are chimeras, lies, delusions, make-believe and of no account.

The Philosophy of Power has slumbered long, but whenever men of sterling worth are found, it must again sweep away the old ignoble dollar-damned Pedlarisms of to-day and openly, as of old, dominate the destiny of an emancipated and all-conquering race.

What is viler than a government of slaves and usurious Jews? What is grander than a government of the Noblest and the Best, who have proved their Fitness on the plains of Death?

Cromwell and his ironsides, Caesar and his legions shall be born again; and the thunderous tread of Sulla’s fierce destroyers shall roll and rumble amid the fire and glare and smoke of crumbling constitutionalisms: “as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be,” warfare without end.

Yawping politicians may harangue base city mobs of hirelings and Christlings with “Alas, poor Yorick!” rhapsody, as if struggle and strife were the evil of all evils. Figures of speech, however, cannot breathe the breath of life into feline philosophies that never have had the slightest foundation in fact. The survival of the Fittest, the Toughest is the logic of all events and of all time. They who declare otherwise are blind. The chief point is this: the Fitness must honestly demonstrate itself not by ignoble theft and theory, but by open conflicts as per Darwin’s law of battle.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chapter 3-5

Many years after the ‘Declaration’ was issued, our written Constitution was constructed with much voluble sophistry and mimic strife. That document considered as a whole, is the most cunningly worded and at the same time most terrible instrument of Government and Mastership that any Anglo-Teutonic tribe has ever yoked itself up under. Pretending to ‘grant’ liberty and self-government, it practically annihilates both. Under the show of ‘guaranteeing’ personal independence and civil rights, it has organized an elective tyranny, wherein the mob-monarch possesses more arbitrary authority than any dynastic despot since the days of Darius or Belshazzar.

The highest crime is actually written in the ‘highest law of the land.’

“Thus, did the Guile-Masters,
Their toils and their tangles set;
And, as wide as was the water:
So wide was the woven net.”

Indeed the written Constitution of our Republic is a monstrous mechanical contrivance that bids fair (when once it has got properly underway) to squeeze the very heart out of all the Best Elements in America.

Our Federal government may be very appropriately compared to a pirate ship cleverly disguised as a friendly armed cruiser conveying a fleet of peaceful merchantmen loaded with an immense treasure and 70,000,000 passengers. When it first came to their ‘assistance’ it was, O! So kindly! So affectionate! So full of loving regard for its intended prey, for the welfare and bon-voyage of its quarry. Now, however that its forty-five ships of state are out in the open ocean and absolutely at its mercy, it strips off its decoy rig, hoists the ‘Death’s-head-and-bloody-bones,’ and opens its hidden portholes, runs out its round-lipped broadsides and yells through its editorial speaking-trumpets, “Heave to there, or you’ll be blown out of the water.”

Thus it will be seen, the Jesuitic ‘Evangel of Equality’ has proved itself a tremendous success. It seduced the American People into a feeling of contentment and security till their ‘bonds’ and fetters were properly forged, polished, and neatly riveted on.

Well fashioned, indeed was the Net! A splendid spider web it has proved itself, and withal, needful.

Under the hypnotic spell of a ‘free and equal’ dream, Americans have been hustled into a convict-prison of laboriousness to piratical masters a thousand times more terrible and more unyielding than any history can describe. All that is now left of Liberty is its name, and the harmless privilege the common people have of scolding their Proprietors in vulgar editorial diatribes at or about election times. Occasionally they do descend into the streets, indulging in sanguinary vociferations upon the same general principle that impels a mangy cur to howl most dismally, if struck with a brick.

The conflict between the masters and helots is over for the present and the masters having conquered are in possession of the booty and the field. Hark! The songs of victory, the flap of the battle-pennons!

Indeed, considering all the circumstances, the common people are ‘lost souls,’ no matter what they now do, they must remain in hell. Their position is that of a worm trying to escape from its hole in a heated burning log; if it runs to the right it runs into heat and smoke, if it runs to the left it runs into blazes. A few minutes more and it is roasted alive.

Even should America’s servile multitudes appeal to the arbitrement of Physical Force, they cannot possibly win. Possessing neither the strength, courage, brains, arms, money nor leaders, they must be blown into eternal fragments by their master’s highly trained artillerists, and scientific destroyers.

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